Category Patent litigation

When does a patent infringement occur??

In Germany, patent infringement occurs under certain conditions. Here are the basic conditions: Existing patent: First, a valid patent must exist, which gives the owner certain exclusive rights to a…

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My invention. my patent. Is that correct?

It's that easy to become a patent owner? You have invented something and you are safe, already "unofficial patentee" to be. Nun, unfortunately it's not that simple. Follow us and learn…

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Patent protection and Covid vaccinations

Patent protection for Covid vaccines is being relaxed: Consequences of patent law Pharmaceutical manufacturers in developing countries can therefore more easily use the patented technology of companies like Biontech, to produce their own corona vaccinations. Countries like South Africa and…

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Patent infringement: and now?

Patent infringement: and now? If you are a patent owner, It is forbidden for other people to make or offer your invention without your consent and you should defend yourself and your patent. Important is,…

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Indirect incorporeal patent infringement

Contributory Patent Infringement- User interface for messaging applications 1. Means within the meaning of § 10 Abs. 1 PatG can also be non-physical objects, a limitation to physical objects is not justified. (Anders…

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Ein Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung in Patentsachen muss erst zu einem Zeitpunkt angebracht werden, in welchem sowohl die Verletzungs- als auch die Rechtsbestandsfrage hinreichend geklärt sind

Die Verfügungsklägerin durfte den Verfügungsantrag nach Verkündung der Entscheidung der Technischen Beschwerdekammer des EPA vom 01.06.2016 nicht bis zur Veröffentlichung der Gründe zurückstellen. However, the applicant must first submit the request for injunction…

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Wilkinson darf keine Rasierklingeneinheiten für Nassrasierer vertreiben, die auf den Nassrasierer “Gillette Mach 3” von Gillette passen (Patent infringement).

Die Rasierklingeneinheit des Nassrasieres "Gillette Mach" may not be imitated By judgment of 18. July 2017 (4O 66/17) has the 4a patent chamber of the District Court of Düsseldorf of Wilkinson Sword GmbH im…

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Einem übergangenen Miterfinder steht ein Schadensersatzanspruch zu, der auch einen Ausgleich für vom Anmelder gezogene Gebrauchsvorteile umfassen kann

Stehen Miterfindern die Rechte an der Erfindung in Bruchteilsgemeinschaft zu, ist die Anmeldung zum Patent durch einen Miterfinder jedenfalls dann nicht als notwendige Maßnahme zur Erhaltung des Gegenstands gerechtfertigt, when…

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Der gesetzliche Vertreter einer Gesellschaft, die ein patentverletzendes Erzeugnis herstellt, ist dem Verletzten zum Schadensersatz verpflichtet, wenn er die ihm möglichen und zumutbaren Maßnahmen unterlässt, die Geschäftstätigkeit des Unternehmens so einzurichten und zu steuern, dass hierdurch keine technischen Schutzrechte Dritter verletzt werden

a) Ein Unternehmen, das ein Produkt, dessen Vertrieb für einen bestimmten Verwendungszweck nur unter bestimmten, dem Schutz der Gesundheit dienenden Voraussetzungen rechtlich zulässig ist, offers for this purpose or in…

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Patentnichtigkeit des Apple-Patents betreffend die Entsperrung durch Wischen von Motorola durchgesetzt

a) Bei der Prüfung der erfinderischen Tätigkeit bleiben Anweisungen, die die Vermittlung bestimmter Inhalte betreffen und damit darauf zielen, auf die menschliche Vorstellung oder Verstandesfähigkeit einzuwirken, as such disregarded.…

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Explains Nespresso patent for a device for extracting a cartridge and corresponding coffee machines void

The dispute over the successful Nespresso machines, the capsules (whether original or not) and the related patents by Nestle go unchanged. In addition to the nullity proceedings, there are also some patent infringement proceedings…

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IPCOM fails before LG Mannheim against APPLE with its partial claim over a billion damages for patent infringement of a European patent EP 1 841 268

IPCOM ./. Apple (2 The 53/12 and 2 The 95/13) On 11. February 2014 was before the District Court of Mannheim before 2. employees…

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OLG Dusseldorf has set up another Senate with a special jurisdiction for patent litigation

The Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf has as part of the allocation for the year 2014 set up another Senate with a special jurisdiction for patent litigation. Thus, in addition to being headed by the Chairman…

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The share of the infringer to be issued shall be determined afterwards, whether benefits for the customers of the infringer had seen or proved against them advertising

In determining the percentage of the infringer to be issued, has been imparted by the use of the teaching of the invention, regularly is also to be considered, whether and to what extent the inventive design or…

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Voice output of a navigation instruction, To take account of street names, concerns the content of the reproduced information and is excluded as such from patentability

The instruction to the expert, certain when spoken of a navigation InDIcaToR under certain conditions detailed information (here: Street names) considered, relates to the content of the visual or audible information displayed by the navigation system…

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Apples “Portable electronic device for photo management "was declared in both the members version and in the version of the eight auxiliary requests for void, after Motorola Mobility Germany GmbH and Samsung Electronics GmbH against the European Patent 2 059 868 PREVAIL

Apples "Portable electronic device for photo management "was declared in both the members version and in the version of the eight auxiliary requests for void, employees…

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Nullity dispute uniform even when multiple plaintiffs, applicable within the scope of the same attack – 20 to 30 Million EUR in the specific case

If the patent by several plaintiffs attacked to the same extent, is for an allocation of the amount in dispute to the individual lawsuits and a separate value assessment for the value of the object…

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Fees are also complaints grds. Patent litigation, unless, it does not depend on the understanding of the invention

a) For the fee of a law suit- or patent attorney, it is not necessarily a matter of patent litigation, because the subject matter of the underlying contract related to an invention…

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